@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')
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Please carefully read the terms and conditions ("Terms and Conditions") below before placing any order for any of the Goods or Services from http://froshen.com. By placing an order for any of the Goods or Services from this Website, whether it is by phone, through our mobile applications or by any other available channel, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

Froshen Introduction

This is Froshen, a registered trademark of Farmsponsor http://froshen.com, unless otherwise stated.


  • "Agreement" is inherrent in these Terms and Conditions (T&Cs), the Privacy Policy, any payment instructions provided to you and any other form we might provide to you as so limited;
  • By "Privacy Policy" we mean the policy accessible on our Website which details how we collect and store your personal data;
  • "you", "your" and "yours" are references to the person accessing this Website, and placing the orders for the Goods or Services we display on it. Access through any other channel provided by Froshen will also limit you to these Terms and Conditions;
  • "we", "us", "our", and "Froshen" are references to Farmsponsor, the Company;
  • "Goods" and "Services" is any product or service which we may offer for sale from our Website from at a given time or supply after you may request via our Website;
  • "Partner" is a third party, which has agreed to co-operate with the Company to prepare and/or deliver the Goods or Services.
  • "Delivery" references perishable goods and any form of delivery service, both provided by our Partners and Farmsponsor and is co-ordinated by Farmsponsor;
  • "Website" or “Site” is a reference to our Website http://froshen.com, our mobile applications or any other platform we will choose to offer our Goods or services.

Placing an Order

By placing an order through our Website, you enter into an agreement with Farmsponsor with respect to the processing and forwarding of the order. If you are paying online, Farmsponsor is also responsible for any returns or refunds. You agree to take particular care when providing us with your details and warrant that these details are accurate and complete at the time of ordering. You also warrant that the payment information you provide are your details and that you have sufficient funds to make the payment.

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